Homeless in Arizona

Topless Maids in Burbank???

Burbank, California - Topless maids - (818)666-HUGE

Van Advertising Topless Maids Angers Some in Burbank


4:58 a.m. PDT, October 10, 2012

BURBANK, Calif. (KTLA) -- Some residents and business owners in Burbank are angry about a van advertising topless maids, saying it isn't the image that their city is trying to project.

"A creeper van that says 'Topless Maids for $99,'" one woman said describing the bright pink van, which also has a phone number you can call.

"It's demeaning to women and... that's gross," another woman who spoke to KTLA said. [Perhaps you should ask the woman who are doing the work if they feel that way? I suspect they will take the money from the job any day of the year overnot working.]

"It just shouldn't be in a family town, I don't think," one male resident of Burbank insisted.

But the colorful van is quite popular as of late, partly due to its national attention gained on "The Ellen Show" when Ellen DeGeneres and actor Matthew Perry phoned the service.

The van was parked on Olive Avenue in Burbank on Tuesday night. It had been there for less than 72 hours based on the tire markings from traffic enforcement.

"As far as we know he's not licensed to do that in Burbank. If he parks for over 72 hours in one spot, that car would be towed," said Drew Sugars, a spokesman for the city.

According to Sugars, the city has been fielding complaints from residents.

"Our City Council has directed the staff to look into if our laws need to be strengthened," Sugars said.

Despite the controversy, not everyone is offended by the van.

"It's not offensive language. It's not a curse word. It's not hate," one man commented, saying he's all for free speech. "It's simply saying, 'topless maid,' you know?"

Homeless in Arizona

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